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Upper Eyelid Surgery Without Anesthesia

eyelid surgeryThere is no doubt that one of the biggest fears about having cosmetic surgery is the fear of anesthesia.  Most procedures are performed with anesthesia to keep patients both safe and comfortable.  Risks are actually reduced for many common procedures when anesthesia is administered.   However,  some minor cosmetic procedures such as the upper eyelids, can safely be performed in a sterile office suite while the patient is awake.  Depending on the complexity, Dr. Pollack will typically select patients who are elegible for this in-office eyelid lift procedure.

During this upper eyelid lift procedure, the patient is usually given some medication to keep him or her relaxed (optional), and a local anesthetic to numb the upper eyelids.  Excess skin is removed and sutures are placed in the crease of the eyelids.  The entire process takes less than an hour, and costs under $2000 (at the time of this posting).  Healing generally takes less than one week.

This perk-me-up eye lift is a great alternative to those not wanting the expense, anxiety, or downtime associated with traditional surgery.  Contact our office for more information and to see if this procedure is right for you!
