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Top Ten Skin Issues And How To Repair Them…

Skin Treatment in San DiegoIt’s the little things in life that can drive you crazy. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you may think; Where did that wrinkle come from? Why can’t I get rid of all of these blackheads? What’s up with all of these broken capillaries?

Here is my list of the top ten skin issues and how to repair them.

Issue #1
Combination Skin

Do you have dry, itchy cheeks but a big blemish on your nose? I suggest looking for products that have salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is great for removing surface oils and niacinamide which is hydrating for the skin. You should treat combination skin like it is dry, with gentle, oil-based cleansers and regular cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Remember that oil desolves oil. You can also use a clay mask in the t-zone only to absorb excess oil  without drying out the skin.

Issue #2
Persistant Pimples

Consistancy is the key when fighting acne if you want to see results. You should use a cleanser or scrub with alpha or beta hydroxy acids, salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide daily to wash and exfoliate. In an emergency, you can spot treat with a drop of benzoyl peroxide mixed with hydrocortisone cream on the blemish. Just don’t over do it with the hydrocortisone (it’s a steroid cream), acne could become worse. If your skin becomes too dry, decrease exfoliation to two times a week and look for a moisturizer that is noncomedogenic and make sure that you use a gentle cleanser. Do not use soap! Soaps can cause skin to dry out and become inflamed. That will trigger redness and more breakouts.

Issue #3
Dark Skin Spots

If you have dark skin, any slight slight  mark(from injury, picking acne ect.) can turn into a hyperpigmented spot. Dark skin can also get dermatosis papulosa nigra which is a brown freckling around the eyes and checks. A good sunscreen is the best protection. Gel-based ones have a consistency that is better for dark skin.

Issue #4
Crow’s Feet

If you are concerned about crows feet (wrinkling around the eyes), your best investments are a pair of sunglasses and a good eye cream. Your sunglasses will keep you from squinting in the sun and creating more.  It is also important to keep your eye area hydrated. The skin around your eyes is the most fragile skin on our face. Daily use of eye creams with peptides is recommended. Peptides will stimulate collagen and hydrate the fragile skin.

Issue #5
Acne Scars

Acne scarring can be challenging to get rid of. There can be post-inflammatory(red spots) and pitted depressions. If you have post-inflammatory scarring, a prescription retinoid or retinal will help to fade the spots gradually as will using sun protection. Chemical peels will fade them even faster. If your scars are the pit variety,  I would consider Fraxel laser treatments, but the best thing to prevent acne scarring is to not pick at your face. If you have acneic prone skin, a series of facials every two weeks will get the bacteria under control and you underway to clear skin.

Issue #6
Stubborn Blackheads

The best way to tackle your blackheads is with a great facial! Nothing beats a deep pore cleansing, steam, extractions and a clay- based mask for those stubborn blackheads. Using products with salicylic acid will break down the sebum that gets stuck in the pores and causes blackheads. Clay-based masks will pull out impurities and tighten the pores.

Issue #7
Patchy Redness

Whether it is rosacea or broken capillaries, you can get rid of your patchy redness. You should use only products for people with sensitive skin, stay out of the sun (heat and light can dilate and damage the delicate capillaries). Make sure to wear sunscreen every day, even indoors. If redness is severe, wear an spf with a green tint as green cancels out red. Spicy food, caffeine and alcohol can trigger flushing. Eating bananas can help as well as they are loaded with vitamin K which is known to strengthen capillary walls.

Issue #8
Brown Spots

Hyperpigmentation or brown spots can make you look even older than wrinkles do. The first way to deal with them is to wear sunscreen or you will get even more and the ones you have may get even darker!  Secound, is to use products with retinol, vitamin C, niacinamides and soy. These have all been found to fade hyperpigmentaion. Third, is to have regular facials, microdermabraisions and chemical peels repeated every three to four weeks.

Issue #9
Dark Circles

Dark circles around the eyes are difficult to treat because they have so many different causes: genetics, allergies, sun damage and even vascular problems. Make sure that you are using a great eye cream. Many now have pigment reducing vitamin C, retinols and soy.  These will help with the pigmentation and keeping the eye area well hydrated.

Issue #10
Puffy Eyes

To reduce your puffy eyes, you need to get more sleep, drink extra water and avoid salty foods. For a quick fix, you can lay back and place a lukewarm chamomile teabag or a frozen teaspoon over each closed eyelid. If you chose the frozen spoon method, make sure to first coat each eye with eyecream. You can also place a cool, damp green teabag over each eye. The caffeine will relieve water tension.

Please contact Del Mar Plastic Surgery with any questions or to schedule a consultation.